Arc & Flashing Light Module


ARC & Flashing light module


This amazing Arc & Flashing Light Module has multiple functions such as pantograph arcing, third rail arcing, warning light mode, ditch light with intervals of 1 or 2 seconds and we are sure modeller’s will find many more uses. The SMDs are so small they can fit inside a pantograph on a HO model without being seen!

This module is unique in its design and functionality providing all gauge and scales with a versatile electronic module for led and SMD control.

See it in action click

Input voltage 12v DC or DCC track.

Includes: Control board, SMD, wire and instructions for operation.

Note: This kit includes very small components and the micro SMD requires soldering skill. For Helping Hand Magnifier and Holder click here

Review coming soon on world of railways click to visit

See the installation video