The New Age of Control From ANE Model and DMG Electech
A controller that operates DC locos as normal and then changes at the push of a button to a fully operational DCC Controller.
Model Railway Controller LD101 has the answer to many problems with DCC control.
At DMG Electech we look at actual problems encountered by modellers one of which is the cost of converting a fleet of Locos to DCC at once. Keep that treasured loco we had as a younger modeller as original with its DC motor. Change your other locos to DCC at your pace and as budgets allow.
Fingers to big for normal keypads want a simple to operate controller that does it all.
we believe that working in Alliance with a top manufacturer ANE-MODEL we have provided the perfect solution for the Railway Modeller.
The LD101 Dual Controller.
Swap from DC to DCC with ease at an affordable price. 3 year warranty.
Now in Stock over 80 sold in the first 14 days of sale. Watch this page for tips, firmware updates and much more.
Sole UK Distributor DMG Electech, Trade Enquires welcome to
See the review coming soon on the world of railways website

What is in the Box?
The LD 101 by ANE-MODEL Dual Controller includes :
110v-240v ac to 15v power transformer
LD101 command Station
LD101 hand held controller
1.5m handheld control cable
A full user Manual
Quick Start Guide

The command station:
The power control and monitor part of the system
- Over current protection
- voltage control monitor
- track output
- Status indicator
- USB connection
Hand Held Controller Model Railway Controller LD101
- Led Display Loco number, Speed, Function etc.
- Consist
- Recall
- Accessory functions
- Data
- DC / DCC Selection button
- DC / DCC indicator
- Direction select
- Direction indicators
- Rotary speed control
- All stop / power
- Main Track CV program
- simple one handed operation